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Full Stack Web & Mobile Application Developer

More About Me

I'm Mahesh Muttinti, Full Stack Web & Mobile Application Developer with a passion for creating awesome digital experiences. With more than 2 years of experience in React JS, React Native, and Node JS, I specialize in building stunning websites and mobile apps. My technical skills include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and various libraries and frameworks. I am proficient in developing responsive and dynamic user interfaces.

I have worked on various projects, including B2B finance applications and live tracking mobile applications (Android and iOS). My work involves both front-end and back-end development, ensuring seamless integration and performance. I follow best practices in software development, focusing on clean code, modular architecture, and efficient performance. I am a strong advocate of agile methodologies and enjoy working in collaborative environments. I aim to continue expanding my knowledge and skills, keeping up with the latest trends and technologies in web and mobile development. My goal is to deliver exceptional digital solutions that meet the needs of users and clients.

Technical Skills

React JS

React Native

Node JS









Android Studio

My Websites

Live Markdown Previewer

A live preview tool for Markdown files.

Visit Live Markdown Previewer

React All

A collection of React components and utilities.

Visit React All

Omega Developer

A platform for developers with a variety of tools and resources.

Visit Omega Developer

Santha Market World

A global marketplace platform for diverse products.

Visit Santha Market World