
Assignment - Jul 6, 2024 at 2:02pm (IST)

Assignment Name: Markdown Live Editor

Description: Implement Live Markdown to HTML renderer using react and nodejs full stack web application.

Status: cleared

Tech Interview - Jul 22, 2024 at 3:30pm (IST)


What is the use of useRef? What is the use of useRef over useState?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 40%

My Answer: useRef is used to access the properties and functions of the dom element. It is immutable and can't change its value....

  • Struggled to answer properly
  • Not able to answer as he asks for what is the other use of useRef such as it will hold the data. so, what is the use of useRef to hold the data over useState?
  • And also i intervined with controlled and uncontrolled components for useRef hook, which is entirely wrong

What is forwardRef in react?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 20%

My Answer: Its used to access the functions of children component in the parent component and it uses useImperativeHandle hook to execute the function

  • Struggled to answer properly

Have you worked on redux?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 50%

My Answer: I have used redux in react projects, and due to lot of boilerplate code required to setup redux, I have used redux toolkit.

  • Struggled to answer properly

How will you handle the forms in react?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 20%

My Answer: I used normal use state and mobx state management library for complex forms

  • Struggled to answer properly

What is the difference between the context and redux? and why do we use redux? what is the usecases of them? what is benifit of mobx or redux over context?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 30%

My Answer: We use redux for global state management and it will support persist of data in the localstorage. but the context won't support. For larger scale applications, we use the redux and mobx. For Authentication etc., we use the context

  • Struggled to answer properly


What is the use of FlatList?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 50%

My Answer: It is used to improve the performance of the application, it will support the infinite scroll and pagination

What is the VirtualizedList?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 50%

My Answer: I am not used that frequently, its more or like flatlist....

  • Struggled to answer properly
  • Its more of FlatList is my worst answer


What is the event loop in the nodejs?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 50%

My Answer: Node js event single threaded and event loop is continuosly checks whether the call stack is empty, if call stack is empty it will push the task in the micro task queue or macro task queue.

Let's suppose we have Promise function and inside console log is there, and other console log is below the Promise function. Now which one is log first and why?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 50%

My Answer: Initially console log will pushed to the call stack and executed, and the Promise function will go to the micro task queue. since there is a console log in the call stack it will execute that first and after that event loop will push the promise function to the call stack and then executes the console log inside the promise. In that way, it will execute like that


Have you worked on MongoDB?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 0%

My Answer: I have used it once, but not more


What is git stash and what is the use of it?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 70%

My Answer: It is used to store the commit or changes into the temporary bucket. Its like, when we are in the middle of the work and some production bugs comes and you need the current code. In this case, we use the stash and later we will pop that stash and use it.



Do you know how to use microservices? tell me about the microservices

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 20%

My Answer: I used the nobejs framework to create microservices which will have the infra.js to setup the configurations and all. I will be able to create the microservices in my local system


Did you work upon docker?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 20%

My Answer: No, I didn't work on docker.


What type of technologies have you used in your experience?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 50%

My Answer: I have used the react, react native for frontend, and nodejs and postgres for backend. Mostly i worked on mobile app developement, uploading the both android and ios apps into the playstore and appstores.

In the assignment, you have used nest js, why?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 40%

My Answer: I have used the nextjs and in my personal projects for better seo. It will improve the seo.

  • I heard it is nextjs but it is nest js, i answered i didn't use nestjs in assignment

Are you the most of frontend or backend guy?

Answered: Yes

Answer Efficiency: 20%

My Answer: I am most of frontend guy which i have worked on react native mobile applications

Status: attempted

Tech Team Response: HR Team will get back to you

Attempted At: Jul 22, 2024 at 3:30pm (IST)

Areas for Improvement

  • React

    What is the use of useRef? What is the use of useRef over useState?

    • Struggled to answer properly
    • Not able to answer as he asks for what is the other use of useRef such as it will hold the data. so, what is the use of useRef to hold the data over useState?
    • And also i intervined with controlled and uncontrolled components for useRef hook, which is entirely wrong
  • React

    What is forwardRef in react?

    • Struggled to answer properly
  • React

    Have you worked on redux?

    • Struggled to answer properly
  • React

    How will you handle the forms in react?

    • Struggled to answer properly
  • React

    What is the difference between the context and redux? and why do we use redux? what is the usecases of them? what is benifit of mobx or redux over context?

    • Struggled to answer properly
  • ReactNative

    What is the VirtualizedList?

    • Struggled to answer properly
    • Its more of FlatList is my worst answer
  • Others

    In the assignment, you have used nest js, why?

    • I heard it is nextjs but it is nest js, i answered i didn't use nestjs in assignment